Chapter 1: Introduction to Javascript

Welcome to Chapter One!

Whether you are a complete novice to programming, or a seasoned programmer interested in branching out to web programming, this site is designed to provide you with enough knowledge to start coding your own Javascript pages immediately.

However, before we start the course proper, let’s talk about some pre-requisites.

While this site does not require any prior Javascript background, it does require you to have some basic HTML/CSS knowledge. These are not actual programming languages, but are markup and styling languages.


HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and is a language used to give instructions to a browser on how to display content on a web page, such as whether to display it as a paragraph, a list or a table.

CSS, on the other hand, stands for Cascading Stylesheet and as the name suggests, is all about styling and making your website look gorgeous. You can use CSS to add background colour to your site, change the font size, bold your text etc.

Javascript, the main focus of this site, adds interactivity to the site.

These three languages work hand in hand and are essential to coding all the cool websites you see on the internet. It is impossible to decouple Javascript from the other two languages. Hence, to understand the content on this site (especially Chapter 7 onwards), you’ll need some basic HTML and CSS knowledge.

Learn CSSIf you are new to HTML and CSS, I would recommend you check out my book “Learn CSS in One Day and Learn It Well”, available on Amazon. This book covers both HTML and CSS and is completely beginners-friendly (forgive the shameless plug here ;p).

Familiar with HTML and CSS and ready to proceed? Let’s do it!